R.L. Stine's The Haunting Hour Wiki
My Robot
Season 3, Episode 23
My Robot
Air date November 30, 2013
Written by Melody Fox
Directed by James Head
Episode Guide
"Dead Bodies"
"Bad Egg"

"My Robot" is the twenty-third episode of season 3 of R.L. Stine's The Haunting Hour: The Series.


Philip is a science nerd with a secret: he has a robot that he ordered online and programmed himself, but the robot turns out to be the one ordering Philip around, and Philip needs his friend Tim's help in destroying it!


Phillip is a science nerd with a secret: he has a robot that he ordered online and programmed himself, and it originally did anything Phillip asked, but the robot gradually overpowers Phillips programming and is now doing what is best for Phillip, forcing him to do things exercise and eat tasteless nutrient food. Phillip couldn't return the robot to the store and the robot has actually scared his parents away, so he begs for his friend Tim's help in destroying it. They trick the two school bullies into helping, and while they do shut down the robot, it resets and now views Tim as his master, which was Phillip's plan all along. He leaves to go get his parents to come back, and Tim is now stuck with the robot.


  • Chandler Canterbury as Phillip
  • Evan Bird as Tim
  • Gabriella Kriss as the Robot